How to Open Windows Explorer in Windows 7

How to Open Windows Explorer in Windows 7

Video Information

Tutorial Series
Skill Level
2 Minutes

Step by Step Procedure


  1. Method-1: Using Start Button. 1. Click on the start button and Go to My Computer. 2. This will open Windows Explorer.
  2. Method-2: Using the Keyboard Shortcut. 1. Press "Windows" and the "E" Key on your keyboard to open the Windows Explorer screen.
  3. Method-3: Search Method 1. Click the start Button and Type explorer in the search box. 2. Select Windows Explorer.
  4. Method-4: Using Task Manager 1. Press Control Plus Shift Plus Escape Key on your keyboard. 2. This is will open task manager. 3. Now, Click on file and select “Run New Task". 4. Type Explorer.exe and press Enter.
  5. This is How You can Open Windows Explorer in Windows 7

Learn How to Open Windows Explorer in Windows 7

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